It has never been easier to leverage the full force of powerful frameworks like Bootstrap and Zurb Foundation. Nothing can stop you now.
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Static site generator for Grunt.js, Yeoman and Node.js. "npm install assemble". Used by H5BP, Topcoat, and hundreds of other projects to build sites, themes, components, documentation, blogs and gh-pages.
Grunt task for compiling LESS to CSS.
Library of 100+ handlebars helpers. This project is active and supported, we love contributors and appreciate stars.
A bunch of example projects to help you learn how to use Assemble.
Demonstrates how to use Assemble to build a site. Includes layouts, pages, partials, and markdown content.
Grunt init template for Assemble, the static site generator built on Grunt.js. Kickstart new Assemble projects in just a few seconds, including templates, data, layouts, and a theme.
Yeoman generator for Assemble, the static site generator built on Grunt.js. Kickstart new Assemble projects in just a few seconds, including templates, data, layouts, and a theme.
Grunt plugin used to query the Github API and save the returned JSON files locally.
Grunt task to convert to or from JSON, YAML, XML, PLIST or CSV.
Grunt task for updating firebase data.
Build Bootstrap with Assemble instead of Jekyll.
Sooo many buttons... is this really necessary?! In reality this project has little to do with buttons. It's an exercise in separation of concerns regarding structure, style, content and data.
Generate your README from a template. Fast, very little config, and if you already use Grunt it's a no-brainer.
Permalinks plugin for Assemble, the static site generator for Grunt.js and Yeoman. This plugin enables powerful and configurable URI replacement patterns, presets, uses Moment.js for parsing dates, and much more.
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