helpers /  Aggregate


{{aggregate}} NPM version

{{aggregate}} handlebars helper. Inlines content from multiple files optionally using wildcard (globbing/minimatch) patterns, extracts YAML front matter to pass to context for each file. Accepts compare function as 3rd parameter for sorting inlined files.


In the root of your project, run the following in the command line:

npm i helper-aggregate --save-dev


{{aggregate  'path /to /.hbs '}} 

Usage in Assemble

In your Gruntfile, simply add helper-aggregate to the helpers property in the Assemble task or target options:

  assemble: {
    options: {
      // must be in devDependencies for assemble 
      // to automatically resolve the helper 
      helpers: ['helper-aggregate' ]

With that completed, you may now use the {{aggregate}} helper in your Assemble project.

Usage examples

See examples of the {{aggregate}} helper being used in the yfm project:

templates and content
options and context



Type: String Default value: \n

The separator to append after each inlined file.

Setting options

hash options

Set options as hash arguments.

{{aggregate  'my /book /chapters /.hbs ' sep ="<!- Chapter -->" }} 

"assemble" task options

Pass Assemble options into the helper.

In your project's Gruntfile, options for the {{aggregate}} helper can be defined in the Assemble task options:

assemble: {
  options: {
    helpers: ['helper-aggregate' ],
    aggregate: {
      sep: '\n\n',
      compare_fn: function (a, b)  { 
        return  a.index >= b.index ? 1  : -1;

Note that the options are defined in the custom property, aggregate, not on the options object itself.

Lo-Dash templates

The helper will also process any valid Lo-Dash templates in the YAML front matter of targeted files, using and the context of the "current" file. For example:

Given you have this in the gruntfile:

// Project configuration. 
  // Metadata for our book. 
  book: require('./test/fixtures/book/book.yml' ),
  assemble: {
    options: {
      helpers: ['helper-aggregate' ],
      aggregate: {
        sep: '<!-- chapter -->',
        compare_fn: function (a, b)  { 
          return  a.index >= b.index ? 1  : -1;
      book: {
        src: ['chapters/*.hbs' ],
        dest: 'book/' 

And these Lo-Dash and Handlebars templates:

title: <%= book.title %> 
chapter: 1
intro: Chapter <%= chapter %> 
<h1 > Content from {{title }} </h1 > 
<p  class ="intro" > {{intro }} </p > 
<p  class ="chapter" > Chapter: {{chapter }} </p > 

would result in:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>My Amazing Book</title>
    <!-- chapter -->
    <h1>Content from My Amazing Book</h1>
    <p class="intro">Chapter 1</p>
    <p class="chapter">Chapter: 1</p>
    <!-- chapter -->
    <h1>Content from My Amazing Book</h1>
    <p class="intro">Chapter 2</p>
    <p class="chapter">Chapter: 2</p>
    <!-- chapter -->
    <h1>Content from My Amazing Book</h1>
    <p class="intro">Chapter 3</p>
    <p class="chapter">Chapter: 3</p>


Jon Schlinkert

Licensed under the MIT License Copyright (c) Jon Schlinkert, contributors.

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