helpers /  Strings



Turns a string to lowercase.
Parameters: none


Renders to:

make this all lowercase


Capitalizes each word in a string.
Parameters: none

{{capitalizeEach "capitalize EACH word in this sentence"}}

Renders to:

Capitalize EACH Word In This Sentence


Centers a string using non-breaking spaces.
Parameters: spaces: int - The number of spaces. (Required)

{{center "Bender should not be allowed on tv." 10}}

Renders to:

|              Bender should not be allowed on tv.              |


Same as hyphenate, but replaces dots in string with hyphens.
Parameters: none

{{dashify "make.this.all.hyphenated"}}

Renders to:



Output a formatted phone number

Credit: Treehouse Blog


number: 4444444444 


{{formatPhoneNumber number}}

Renders to:

(444) 444-4444


Replace spaces in string with hyphens.
Parameters: none

{{hyphenate "make this all hyphenated"}}




Capitalizes the first word in a string.
Parameters: none

{{capitalizeFirst "capitalize first word in this sentence"}}

Renders to:

Capitalize first word in this sentence


Evaluate string A, and count the occurrences of string B within string A
Default: undefined

  • String A (required): The string to evaluate
  • String B (required): The string to look for and count in "string A"
{{occurrences "evaluate this string" "i"}}




Reverses a string.
Parameters: none

{{reverse "bender should NOT be allowed on TV."}}

Renders to:

.VT no dewolla eb TON dluohs redneb


Capitalizes the first word of each sentence in a string and converts the rest of the sentence to lowercase. Parameters: none

{{sentence "capitalize the FIRST word in each sentence. but make the OTHER words lowercase."}}

Renders to:

Capitalize the first word in each sentence. But make the other words lowercase.


Capitalizes all words within a string. Taken from the templating library Walrus by Jeremy Ruppel.
Parameters: none

{{titleize "capitalize EACH word in this sentence"}}

Renders to:

Capitalize Each Word In This Sentence.


Truncates a string given a specified length, providing a custom string to denote an omission.

  • length: int- The number of characters to keep (Required).
  • omission: string - A string to denote an omission (Optional).
{{truncate "Bender should not be allowed on tv." 31 "..."}}

Renders to:

Bender should not be allowed...


Turns a string to uppercase. Opposite of {{lowercase}}.
Parameters: none

 {{uppercase "make this all uppercase"}}

Renders to:


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